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Involving the player Javed Miandad (PAK) remove Javed Miandad (PAK) from query
Not involving the captain SR Tendulkar (IND) remove SR Tendulkar (IND) from query
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Overall figures
Javed Miandad (PAK) 1978-1993 35 37 2 2497 99 71.34 0 37 0 37 investigate this query
Saleem Malik (PAK) 1983-1992 17 19 4 1281 99 85.40 0 19 0 19 investigate this query
Ramiz Raja (PAK) 1985-1992 15 16 1 1023 98 68.20 0 16 0 16 investigate this query
Imran Khan (PAK) 1980-1991 14 15 7 1057 93* 132.12 0 15 0 15 investigate this query
Mudassar Nazar (PAK) 1978-1987 15 15 2 1075 95 82.69 0 15 0 15 investigate this query
Wasim Raja (PAK) 1979-1984 10 12 4 802 97 100.25 0 12 0 12 investigate this query
Shoaib Mohammad (PAK) 1987-1993 9 11 1 773 95 77.30 0 11 0 11 investigate this query
Zaheer Abbas (PAK) 1979-1984 11 11 0 749 91 68.09 0 11 0 11 investigate this query
SM Gavaskar (IND) 1979-1987 8 9 0 680 96 75.55 0 9 0 9 investigate this query
AR Border (AUS) 1979-1990 7 8 4 531 85 132.75 0 8 0 8 investigate this query
Mohsin Khan (PAK) 1982-1985 8 8 0 560 94 70.00 0 8 0 8 investigate this query
Asif Mujtaba (PAK) 1992-1993 6 7 2 395 65* 79.00 0 7 0 7 investigate this query
KJ Hughes (AUS) 1979-1984 7 7 0 534 94 76.28 0 7 0 7 investigate this query
N Kapil Dev (IND) 1978-1989 7 7 0 456 84 65.14 0 7 0 7 investigate this query
MD Crowe (NZ) 1984-1990 5 6 1 426 84 85.20 0 6 0 6 investigate this query
Majid Khan (PAK) 1980-1982 6 6 1 398 89 79.60 0 6 0 6 investigate this query
RB Richardson (WI) 1986-1993 6 6 1 383 75 76.60 0 6 0 6 investigate this query
DB Vengsarkar (IND) 1979-1987 6 6 1 430 96 86.00 0 6 0 6 investigate this query
M Amarnath (IND) 1978-1987 4 5 0 345 89 69.00 0 5 0 5 investigate this query
DI Gower (ENG) 1982-1992 5 5 0 337 74 67.40 0 5 0 5 investigate this query
IVA Richards (WI) 1980-1988 4 5 0 351 75 70.20 0 5 0 5 investigate this query
Saleem Yousuf (PAK) 1986-1988 4 5 2 342 91* 114.00 0 5 0 5 investigate this query
JE Emburey (ENG) 1987-1987 3 4 1 255 74* 85.00 0 4 0 4 investigate this query
GA Gooch (ENG) 1987-1992 4 4 0 305 93 76.25 0 4 0 4 investigate this query
BM Laird (AUS) 1980-1982 4 4 0 260 85 65.00 0 4 0 4 investigate this query
Qasim Umar (PAK) 1983-1986 3 4 0 302 96 75.50 0 4 0 4 investigate this query
Wasim Akram (PAK) 1986-1992 4 4 0 234 66 58.50 0 4 0 4 investigate this query
Yashpal Sharma (IND) 1979-1983 4 4 1 247 63* 82.33 0 4 0 4 investigate this query
Aamer Sohail (PAK) 1992-1993 3 3 0 191 73 63.66 0 3 0 3 investigate this query
J Arun Lal (IND) 1982-1987 2 3 0 173 70 57.66 0 3 0 3 investigate this query
RMH Binny (IND) 1983-1987 3 3 2 189 83* 189.00 0 3 0 3 investigate this query
IT Botham (ENG) 1982-1987 3 3 1 177 69 88.50 0 3 0 3 investigate this query
ADR Campbell (ZIM) 1993-1993 2 3 0 191 75 63.66 0 3 0 3 investigate this query
AD Gaekwad (IND) 1983-1984 3 3 1 200 74 100.00 0 3 0 3 investigate this query
Ijaz Ahmed (PAK) 1987-1990 3 3 0 205 86 68.33 0 3 0 3 investigate this query
S Madan Lal (IND) 1982-1983 3 3 1 180 74 90.00 0 3 0 3 investigate this query
SV Manjrekar (IND) 1989-1989 2 3 0 231 83 77.00 0 3 0 3 investigate this query
Mansoor Akhtar (PAK) 1982-1987 3 3 0 190 75 63.33 0 3 0 3 investigate this query
GR Marsh (AUS) 1988-1988 2 3 1 199 84* 99.50 0 3 0 3 investigate this query
SM Patil (IND) 1980-1983 3 3 0 214 84 71.33 0 3 0 3 investigate this query
A Ranatunga (SL) 1985-1986 3 3 0 209 79 69.66 0 3 0 3 investigate this query
Rashid Latif (PAK) 1992-1993 3 3 1 179 68* 89.50 0 3 0 3 investigate this query
RJ Shastri (IND) 1983-1989 3 3 0 184 71 61.33 0 3 0 3 investigate this query
NS Sidhu (IND) 1989-1989 3 3 0 233 97 77.66 0 3 0 3 investigate this query
IDS Smith (NZ) 1985-1990 3 3 0 184 65 61.33 0 3 0 3 investigate this query
MA Taylor (AUS) 1990-1990 2 3 0 188 77 62.66 0 3 0 3 investigate this query
JG Wright (NZ) 1979-1985 3 3 0 219 88 73.00 0 3 0 3 investigate this query
Aamer Malik (PAK) 1987-1989 2 2 1 154 98* 154.00 0 2 0 2 investigate this query
Abdul Qadir (PAK) 1985-1987 2 2 0 115 61 57.50 0 2 0 2 investigate this query
Ashraf Ali (PAK) 1982-1984 2 2 0 123 65 61.50 0 2 0 2 investigate this query
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