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Start of match date between 19 Aug 2004 and 17 Oct 2015 remove between 19 Aug 2004 and 17 Oct 2015 from query
Involving the player SM Katich (AUS) remove SM Katich (AUS) from query
Not involving the captain MJ Clarke (AUS) remove MJ Clarke (AUS) from query
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Overall figures
SM Katich (AUS) 2004-2010 19 21 0 1542 99 73.42 3198 48.21 0 21 0 21 168 5 investigate this query
RT Ponting (AUS) 2005-2010 19 20 2 1430 99 79.44 2161 66.17 0 20 0 20 188 7 investigate this query
MJ Clarke (AUS) 2004-2010 14 16 2 1224 98 87.42 2251 54.37 0 16 0 16 148 3 investigate this query
MEK Hussey (AUS) 2008-2010 14 15 1 986 93 70.42 2155 45.75 0 15 0 15 123 2 investigate this query
SR Watson (AUS) 2008-2010 10 12 0 808 96 67.33 1400 57.71 0 12 0 12 122 5 investigate this query
IR Bell (ENG) 2005-2010 5 6 1 393 76 78.60 737 53.32 0 6 0 6 45 3 investigate this query
BJ Haddin (AUS) 2008-2010 6 6 1 436 94 87.20 637 68.44 0 6 0 6 45 8 investigate this query
JL Langer (AUS) 2004-2005 6 6 2 397 82 99.25 666 59.60 0 6 0 6 50 1 investigate this query
V Sehwag (ICC/IND) 2004-2010 5 6 0 441 92 73.50 528 83.52 0 6 0 6 59 2 investigate this query
ML Hayden (AUS) 2004-2008 5 5 0 356 83 71.20 605 58.84 0 5 0 5 42 4 investigate this query
SR Tendulkar (IND) 2004-2010 5 5 1 362 98 90.50 586 61.77 0 5 0 5 45 3 investigate this query
HM Amla (SA) 2008-2009 3 4 0 220 59 55.00 488 45.08 0 4 0 4 29 0 investigate this query
S Chanderpaul (WI) 2008-2009 3 4 2 268 79* 134.00 604 44.37 0 4 0 4 30 1 investigate this query
MS Dhoni (IND) 2008-2008 2 4 1 271 92 90.33 386 70.20 0 4 0 4 19 5 investigate this query
A Flintoff (ENG) 2005-2009 3 4 0 287 74 71.75 342 83.91 0 4 0 4 34 11 investigate this query
VVS Laxman (IND) 2004-2010 4 4 2 265 73* 132.50 477 55.55 0 4 0 4 32 0 investigate this query
MJ North (AUS) 2009-2010 4 4 0 333 96 83.25 568 58.62 0 4 0 4 46 1 investigate this query
KP Pietersen (ENG) 2005-2009 3 4 1 261 71 87.00 385 67.79 0 4 0 4 28 5 investigate this query
A Symonds (AUS) 2008-2008 3 4 1 258 79 86.00 385 67.01 0 4 0 4 28 6 investigate this query
PD Collingwood (ENG) 2009-2009 2 3 0 192 74 64.00 470 40.85 0 3 0 3 16 0 investigate this query
AB de Villiers (SA) 2008-2009 3 3 0 203 84 67.66 473 42.91 0 3 0 3 24 1 investigate this query
R Dravid (IND) 2004-2010 3 3 0 188 77 62.66 426 44.13 0 3 0 3 30 0 investigate this query
MG Johnson (AUS) 2009-2009 3 3 1 223 96* 111.50 330 67.57 0 3 0 3 30 5 investigate this query
JH Kallis (SA) 2008-2009 2 3 0 213 93 71.00 392 54.33 0 3 0 3 23 3 investigate this query
DR Martyn (AUS) 2004-2005 3 3 0 217 97 72.33 436 49.77 0 3 0 3 20 0 investigate this query
GC Smith (SA) 2008-2009 2 3 0 206 75 68.66 317 64.98 0 3 0 3 23 0 investigate this query
AJ Strauss (ENG) 2009-2009 2 3 0 199 75 66.33 426 46.71 0 3 0 3 30 0 investigate this query
ME Trescothick (ENG) 2005-2005 3 3 0 218 90 72.66 330 66.06 0 3 0 3 32 3 investigate this query
NJ Astle (NZ) 2005-2005 2 2 0 143 74 71.50 255 56.07 0 2 0 2 22 0 investigate this query
SCJ Broad (ENG) 2009-2009 2 2 0 116 61 58.00 113 102.65 0 2 0 2 19 0 investigate this query
AN Cook (ENG) 2009-2010 2 2 0 162 95 81.00 315 51.42 0 2 0 2 24 0 investigate this query
TM Dowlin (WI) 2009-2009 2 2 0 117 62 58.50 266 43.98 0 2 0 2 17 0 investigate this query
JP Duminy (SA) 2008-2009 2 2 2 123 73* - 271 45.38 0 2 0 2 15 1 investigate this query
AC Gilchrist (AUS) 2005-2005 2 2 1 154 94 154.00 173 89.01 0 2 0 2 18 5 investigate this query
Harbhajan Singh (IND) 2008-2008 2 2 0 106 54 53.00 204 51.96 0 2 0 2 10 0 investigate this query
NM Hauritz (AUS) 2009-2009 2 2 1 125 75 125.00 242 51.65 0 2 0 2 14 1 investigate this query
PJ Hughes (AUS) 2009-2010 2 2 1 161 86* 161.00 196 82.14 0 2 0 2 23 2 investigate this query
M Kaif (IND) 2004-2004 2 2 0 119 64 59.50 309 38.51 0 2 0 2 13 1 investigate this query
BB McCullum (NZ) 2008-2010 2 2 1 135 84* 135.00 232 58.18 0 2 0 2 23 3 investigate this query
XM Marshall (WI) 2008-2008 2 2 0 138 85 69.00 215 64.18 0 2 0 2 20 1 investigate this query
BP Nash (WI) 2009-2009 2 2 0 157 92 78.50 361 43.49 0 2 0 2 19 0 investigate this query
TD Paine (AUS) 2010-2010 2 2 0 151 92 75.50 329 45.89 0 2 0 2 20 0 investigate this query
MJ Prior (ENG) 2009-2009 2 2 0 117 61 58.50 104 112.50 0 2 0 2 15 0 investigate this query
Salman Butt (PAK) 2010-2010 1 2 0 155 92 77.50 267 58.05 0 2 0 2 27 0 investigate this query
GP Swann (ENG) 2009-2009 2 2 0 125 63 62.50 127 98.42 0 2 0 2 16 1 investigate this query
DL Vettori (NZ) 2005-2010 2 2 0 142 77 71.00 227 62.55 0 2 0 2 16 0 investigate this query
SK Warne (AUS) 2005-2005 2 2 1 140 90 140.00 159 88.05 0 2 0 2 16 3 investigate this query
Azhar Ali (PAK) 2010-2010 1 1 0 51 51 51.00 108 47.22 0 1 0 1 6 0 investigate this query
MV Boucher (SA) 2009-2009 1 1 0 89 89 89.00 170 52.35 0 1 0 1 8 1 investigate this query
DJ Bravo (WI) 2008-2008 1 1 0 69 69 69.00 133 51.87 0 1 0 1 5 4 investigate this query
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