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Start of match date less than or equal to 17 Dec 2012 remove less than or equal to 17 Dec 2012 from query
Involving the player AN Cook (ENG) remove AN Cook (ENG) from query
Runs scored between 50 and 99 remove between 50 and 99 from query
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Overall figures
AN Cook (ENG) 2006-2012 26 29 0 2033 96 70.10 4196 48.45 0 29 0 258 2 investigate this query
KP Pietersen (ENG) 2006-2012 25 26 3 1937 99 84.21 3142 61.64 0 26 0 251 14 investigate this query
IR Bell (ENG) 2006-2012 24 28 5 1825 97 79.34 3628 50.30 0 28 0 224 7 investigate this query
MJ Prior (ENG) 2007-2012 24 24 3 1660 93 79.04 2617 63.43 0 24 0 188 4 investigate this query
AJ Strauss (ENG) 2006-2012 20 22 1 1424 96 67.80 2809 50.69 0 22 0 166 2 investigate this query
PD Collingwood (ENG) 2006-2010 16 18 1 1223 96 71.94 2479 49.33 0 18 0 147 5 investigate this query
IJL Trott (ENG) 2009-2012 12 13 1 864 87 72.00 1965 43.96 0 13 0 102 0 investigate this query
SCJ Broad (ENG) 2008-2012 9 9 3 573 76 95.50 698 82.09 0 9 0 83 1 investigate this query
MEK Hussey (AUS) 2006-2010 7 9 2 633 93 90.42 1242 50.96 0 9 0 73 3 investigate this query
S Chanderpaul (WI) 2007-2012 6 7 1 497 91 82.83 1158 42.91 0 7 0 60 0 investigate this query
MS Dhoni (IND) 2007-2012 6 7 2 523 99 104.60 857 61.02 0 7 0 60 10 investigate this query
A Flintoff (ENG) 2006-2009 5 6 0 397 89 66.16 649 61.17 0 6 0 50 6 investigate this query
RT Ponting (AUS) 2006-2010 5 5 2 330 78 110.00 460 71.73 0 5 0 39 2 investigate this query
GP Swann (ENG) 2009-2012 5 5 1 329 85 82.25 388 84.79 0 5 0 41 6 investigate this query
SR Tendulkar (IND) 2007-2012 5 5 0 396 91 79.20 802 49.37 0 5 0 55 0 investigate this query
SR Watson (AUS) 2009-2010 5 7 0 423 95 60.42 798 53.00 0 7 0 62 1 investigate this query
MJ Clarke (AUS) 2006-2010 4 4 0 312 93 78.00 516 60.46 0 4 0 38 2 investigate this query
AB de Villiers (SA) 2008-2010 4 4 0 269 97 67.25 488 55.12 0 4 0 29 1 investigate this query
TM Dilshan (SL) 2006-2011 4 4 0 262 84 65.50 489 53.57 0 4 0 37 0 investigate this query
G Gambhir (IND) 2008-2012 4 4 0 288 97 72.00 634 45.42 0 4 0 31 0 investigate this query
BJ Haddin (AUS) 2009-2010 4 4 1 244 80 81.33 398 61.30 0 4 0 23 3 investigate this query
VVS Laxman (IND) 2007-2011 4 4 0 215 56 53.75 456 47.14 0 4 0 33 0 investigate this query
BB McCullum (NZ) 2008-2008 4 4 0 304 97 76.00 394 77.15 0 4 0 36 7 investigate this query
Yuvraj Singh (IND) 2008-2012 4 4 1 307 86 102.33 490 62.65 0 4 0 30 7 investigate this query
TR Ambrose (ENG) 2008-2009 3 3 1 198 76* 99.00 407 48.64 0 3 0 22 2 investigate this query
HM Amla (SA) 2008-2010 3 3 0 246 95 82.00 393 62.59 0 3 0 36 0 investigate this query
MV Boucher (SA) 2009-2010 3 3 1 209 95 104.50 277 75.45 0 3 0 25 1 investigate this query
TT Bresnan (ENG) 2010-2011 3 3 1 234 91 117.00 454 51.54 0 3 0 29 1 investigate this query
R Dravid (IND) 2006-2007 3 3 0 221 95 73.66 496 44.55 0 3 0 28 0 investigate this query
JM How (NZ) 2008-2008 3 3 0 224 92 74.66 421 53.20 0 3 0 27 0 investigate this query
W Jaffer (IND) 2006-2007 3 3 0 201 81 67.00 463 43.41 0 3 0 30 0 investigate this query
DPMD Jayawardene (SL) 2006-2012 3 3 0 190 65 63.33 417 45.56 0 3 0 22 0 investigate this query
HAPW Jayawardene (SL) 2007-2012 3 3 1 191 79 95.50 386 49.48 0 3 0 18 3 investigate this query
MG Johnson (AUS) 2009-2011 3 3 0 178 63 59.33 234 76.06 0 3 0 22 2 investigate this query
KD Karthik (IND) 2007-2007 3 3 0 228 91 76.00 422 54.02 0 3 0 28 1 investigate this query
EJG Morgan (ENG) 2011-2011 3 3 0 220 79 73.33 326 67.48 0 3 0 25 3 investigate this query
D Ramdin (WI) 2007-2009 3 3 0 176 61 58.66 267 65.91 0 3 0 31 1 investigate this query
TT Samaraweera (SL) 2011-2012 3 3 1 199 87* 99.50 341 58.35 0 3 0 23 0 investigate this query
MN Samuels (WI) 2012-2012 3 3 1 238 86 119.00 446 53.36 0 3 0 31 3 investigate this query
KC Sangakkara (SL) 2006-2007 3 3 0 223 92 74.33 448 49.77 0 3 0 28 0 investigate this query
Tamim Iqbal (BAN) 2010-2010 3 4 0 278 86 69.50 341 81.52 0 4 0 40 2 investigate this query
MP Vaughan (ENG) 2007-2008 3 4 0 290 87 72.50 626 46.32 0 4 0 39 0 investigate this query
R Ashwin (IND) 2012-2012 2 2 1 159 91* 159.00 271 58.67 0 2 0 24 0 investigate this query
Azhar Ali (PAK) 2010-2012 2 2 1 160 92* 160.00 371 43.12 0 2 0 23 0 investigate this query
DJ Bravo (WI) 2007-2007 2 2 0 108 56 54.00 133 81.20 0 2 0 15 2 investigate this query
JP Duminy (SA) 2009-2012 2 2 0 117 61 58.50 308 37.98 0 2 0 12 1 investigate this query
SP Fleming (NZ) 2008-2008 2 3 0 191 66 63.66 263 72.62 0 3 0 25 2 investigate this query
SC Ganguly (IND) 2007-2007 2 2 0 136 79 68.00 224 60.71 0 2 0 19 1 investigate this query
CH Gayle (WI) 2007-2009 2 2 0 106 54 53.00 114 92.98 0 2 0 13 2 investigate this query
AC Gilchrist (AUS) 2006-2007 2 2 0 126 64 63.00 151 83.44 0 2 0 16 0 investigate this query
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