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RP Arnold (SL) 7 7 7 100.00 0 0 v England Southampton 15 Jun 2006 investigate this query
TT Bresnan (ENG) 6* 6 6 100.00 0 0 v Sri Lanka Southampton 15 Jun 2006 investigate this query
PD Collingwood (ENG) 5 5 7 71.42 0 0 v Sri Lanka Southampton 15 Jun 2006 investigate this query
JWM Dalrymple (ENG) 1 1 2 50.00 0 0 v Sri Lanka Southampton 15 Jun 2006 investigate this query
TM Dilshan (SL) 2 2 5 40.00 0 0 v England Southampton 15 Jun 2006 investigate this query
CRD Fernando (SL) 3 3 4 75.00 0 0 v England Southampton 15 Jun 2006 investigate this query
DPMD Jayawardene (SL) 0 0 1 0.00 0 0 v England Southampton 15 Jun 2006 investigate this query
CK Kapugedera (SL) 22 22 16 137.50 0 1 v England Southampton 15 Jun 2006 investigate this query
MF Maharoof (SL) 8 8 8 100.00 0 0 v England Southampton 15 Jun 2006 investigate this query
PDRL Perera (SL) 0* 0 0 - 0 0 v England Southampton 15 Jun 2006 investigate this query
SJ Harmison (ENG) DNB - - - - - v Sri Lanka Southampton 15 Jun 2006 investigate this query
EC Joyce (ENG) DNB - - - - - v Sri Lanka Southampton 15 Jun 2006 investigate this query
SI Mahmood (ENG) DNB - - - - - v Sri Lanka Southampton 15 Jun 2006 investigate this query
LE Plunkett (ENG) DNB - - - - - v Sri Lanka Southampton 15 Jun 2006 investigate this query
GO Jones (ENG) 14* 14 11 127.27 1 0 v Sri Lanka Southampton 15 Jun 2006 investigate this query
SL Malinga (SL) 13 13 12 108.33 1 0 v England Southampton 15 Jun 2006 investigate this query
KP Pietersen (ENG) 17 17 16 106.25 1 0 v Sri Lanka Southampton 15 Jun 2006 investigate this query
KC Sangakkara (SL) 21 21 14 150.00 3 0 v England Southampton 15 Jun 2006 investigate this query
ST Jayasuriya (SL) 41 41 30 136.66 4 2 v England Southampton 15 Jun 2006 investigate this query
WU Tharanga (SL) 34 34 25 136.00 4 1 v England Southampton 15 Jun 2006 investigate this query
AJ Strauss (ENG) 33 33 21 157.14 6 0 v Sri Lanka Southampton 15 Jun 2006 investigate this query
ME Trescothick (ENG) 72 72 58 124.13 9 1 v Sri Lanka Southampton 15 Jun 2006 investigate this query
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